Friday, May 29, 2009

Going from "WHY?" to "What?"

A lot of times when I find myself in a bad situation or in a "pickle," I spend most of my time asking myself "why." For instance, "Why did this happen to me?" or "Is there a reason why this happened?" 

Instead of asking yourself "why?" all the time, we need to embrace the reality of "what?" What are you gonna do about the situation? The situation is here, it's real, it happened. Stop dealing with riddles and trying to figure out the mystery of "why?" and start dealing with the reality of "what?"

No matter what your situation is or what you are dealing with, it's real, it's here, and it happened. What are you gonna do about it?

It's all about perspective.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. I love it. How did you come to such wisedom? What am I going to do about it?

