Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wednesday Night Ramblings.

So from now on I plan on typing out my sermon notes from Wednesday nights just so I can get a better grasp on them. Or if you are reading this and do not attend compass church (well at least our youth ministry) then feel free to dive in as well. Let's begin shall we?

I Corinthians 10
Wesley began by saying that he doesn't feel as strong in his faith as he thinks he is. He then went on to elaborate on why he felt this way, describing the Israelites crossing the red sea. He mentioned how when he read that he wondered why God wouldn't do something THAT huge in his life, and felt pretty discouraged by it. Sometimes I think we all feel as if we "need" to see God do the incredible things he did all throughout the bible (such as the burning bush incident or making the sun stand still). 

I think I too envy these experiences. Sometimes have thoughts that say "if God would do THAT in my life there is no way I wouldn't follow Him!" But here is the catch, He has done some incredible things already! God has shown up and shown off in our lives time and time again, but we forget at times how He did it. What's ironic about this story is the same people we envy also turned their back on God. We wonder how anyone could turn their back on God after having such a huge experience like crossing the red sea, but we are right in the same boat they are. We turn our back on God and doubt his power all the time (I know I sure do anyways). 

How do we solve this problem? Wesley's solution is this. He made a book. A "God's Awesome" book, if you will, and every time God shows up in his life for any situation, he writes it down in this book. I believe this is a great way to remind ourselves of His almighty power and how capable He is to come through when we need Him to. We can fall away from God really fast, we need to fight for our relationship with Christ (Matthew 5:6/James 4:8)! 

Satan knows our potential and he is ready to take it away from us.

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