Friday, July 24, 2009

Camp: The Aftermath

Okay, seriously, where do I freakin begin??? SO much happened spiritually this week I honestly do not know where to begin.

Let's begin with a man by the name of Sam. For those of you who don't know Sam, here is his website: Sam was our preacher for the week, and boy did he preach! He is a guy who knows his stuff. He was authentic, challenging, hilarious, and down right passionate when he spoke to us. Our students and everyone loved him, and the services is what everyone was looking forward to, which I find straight up incredible! Usually a lot of students dread that part, but there wasn't one person I saw who didn't want to hear what he had to say next!

Let's move on to a guy named Dave. Dave was our worship pastor for the week, and boy did he worship! Honestly, THE most intense worship experience of my life. Worship so real it brought me to sobbing tears every song! It was so awesome, I loved every minute of worship! Dave not only sang many popular songs that we all know, but also shared with us many of his own songs that he had written for his church. And a lot of times when people hear that they say "oh, that's cute." No, it's not cute, those songs ROCKED! And I mean ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF! Which is one of the reasons it was such a powerful and impacting worship experience!

Now, lets move on to this family known as family group 37 (yeah, we never really settled on a name, so we stuck with the number we were assigned at the beginning of the week). The kids in my group were pretty awesome! I loved getting to know those kids and hearing what they had to say about stuff. It was so cool. Sucks that we had to leave each other, but hopefully we will keep in touch. I know everyone says that, but honestly, I would love to hear what God is doing in these kids lives.

Okay, so this next part is about a different group. This group is known as the 706 student ministry of compass church. I can not explain to you in words how proud I am of my students. Wednesday night Wesley approached me before heading to family church group time at the end of the day and said "we will walk in, get a head count to make sure everyone is in there, then shut the door behind us." Now you have to understand, he told me about this idea a week before and I honestly didn't know what to think of it. I thought it was an awesome idea, but it is such a bold move. Honestly, THAT is a sink or swim situation. Either something horrible will happen, or something phenomenal that can't be explained happens. Something phenomenal happened. Yeah, for about the first 20 minutes they played around and joked around and had fun with everyone in the room, but eventually a few students realized we weren't coming and they started leading. They led, and kids opened up. Once the silence set in, the four leaders just started praying some big time prayers. We prayed out loud one by one specifically for certain students, by the end of the night everyone was in tears and when the students finished up with a big circle up prayer in the center of the room, that's when the leaders stepped in the room. Wesley told the kids with pretty near tears in his eyes that they grew up that night. They finally understand the meaning of community, and that now they can finally take reaching their schools seriously.

So many tears, so much community, and so much still left to be done! Our students made a commitment to reaching their schools for Christ, and I BELIEVE that they meant it after what I saw happen this week. So much left to blog about, part two coming soon!

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